Turn right at the 104 kilometer  post, travel 4 kilometers via Daulagala road to reach this temple in a picturesque setting.

During the reign of King Buvanekabahu IV of Gangasiripura  (Gampola), The Lankathilaka was built in 1344 A.D. on a rock outcrop known as Panhelgala in the Rabbegamuwa Village.

Built with bricks and granite on a foundation made of large blocks of granite carved from the natural bedrock, the Lankathilaka is of unique architectural design. It combines architectural features from the Polonnaru era and Hindu architecture as well as local tradition. Two ancient epigraphs inscribed in Sinhala and Tamil are found in the temple premises.

Facing Lankathilaka from a distance, the Hantana mountain range appears like a phantom lying supine. The locals used to believe that it is a spirit guarding the temple from far afield.

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